Is Kindergarten Ready for the Child?

Is Kindergarten Ready for the Child?

  • Encourage inquiry to practice the alphabet and phonetics. Compare classmates’ names and make it fun!

    • Lee only has one syllable so give it one clap!
    • Barbara has more letters and more syllables so give it 3 claps!
    • Akira and Alexandra both start with A and end with A!
    • Take away Pam’s P and change it for an S…it’s Sam!
    • Pam and Sam have rhyming names!

    With teacher guidance, kindergartners will begin learning the small, frequently used words that are hiding inside names (‘am’ is in Sam, ‘and’ is in Randy, ‘in’ is in Devin…). As they are playfully learning letter and word concepts through a name study, they are also learning more about the community of classmates.

Have you ever had a parent ask you if her/his child is ready for kindergarten or heard a teacher complain about a child who doesn’t have enough academic skills to be in kindergarten?

I checked online and found many websites that advised parents about kindergarten readiness. Some sites discussed the pros and cons of redshirting, which is a strategy of holding a child back from kindergarten to give him an extra ‘edge’ in the grade and giving him time to develop the ability to sit still for extended periods. Isn’t this backwards thinking? Shouldn’t kindergarten be ready for all children?

Shouldn’t teachers (and administrators, of course) understand that within this kindergarten age group there’s a wide range of development – physically, socially, and intellectually?

New York State, among many others, has adopted the Common Core Learning Standards, a document that defines, grade by grade, what children should be able to do in reading, phonics, writing, and math by the end of the school year. These expectations are all focused on academics.

Because of these standards, many schools seem to be feeding the fire of this hysteria by assuming that the kindergarten year must become the ‘new first grade.’ Hence come the fears and anxieties of parents who naturally want to protect their children and ensure their school success. Social and emotional issues are not addressed which may cause children to be labelled with various attention deficits because of these improper expectations.

Reading, writing, and math workshops certainly can be incorporated into the program, but they shouldn’t be the focus of the child’s day. It is possible to create classrooms where children have many opportunities to learn through exploration, play, exciting inquiry projects, singing songs, reading stories together. These activities will lead children towards meeting many of the standards. Kindergarten can, and should, be a year where children are playing and exploring in an environment where stress-free learning is taking place.

Inquiry projects provide unlimited opportunities for teachers to keep an eye on helping children meet the standards. For example, when children study the trees around the school, they get to make shape comparisons, measure tree trunks, see how leaves can float, learn how to use nonfiction texts to get new information.  By exploring a topic that is of interest and that is a part of their real world, children learn that they can use a variety of tools and strategies to look for answers to their questions. They become researchers!

With inquiry projects, children have fun while learning and practicing skills such as formulating and asking questions, recording information, purposefully using a variety of math strategies, working cooperatively in groups, and using many different avenues and materials for making discoveries. By giving children opportunities to explore areas that interest them, teachers are helping children develop a disposition to become self-directed life-long learners.

This is what kindergarten should be and in this type of classroom, kindergarten is ready for the child!

  • Encourage inquiry to practice the alphabet and phonetics. Compare classmates’ names and make it fun!

    • Lee only has one syllable so give it one clap!
    • Barbara has more letters and more syllables so give it 3 claps!
    • Akira and Alexandra both start with A and end with A!
    • Take away Pam’s P and change it for an S…it’s Sam!
    • Pam and Sam have rhyming names!

    With teacher guidance, kindergartners will begin learning the small, frequently used words that are hiding inside names (‘am’ is in Sam, ‘and’ is in Randy, ‘in’ is in Devin…). As they are playfully learning letter and word concepts through a name study, they are also learning more about the community of classmates.

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