Building Blocks


  • A large set of building blocks

Prep Time:

  • 5 minutes

Recipe for Fun!

Divide up the blocks evenly to both children. Then have the children build a structure independently. When complete, compare and discuss the similarities and differences of the structures.


  • Parallel Play is when children play near others, doing the same activity, but not yet interacting. This helps children become more aware of others, model behaviors, express emotions, and develop communication skills.
  • Cooperative play is a goal-oriented activity in which children work together to complete a task.
  • Language development is targeted while discussing similarities and differences. It introduces the opportunity to develop new vocabulary while practicing receptive and expressive language, sentence formation and volume control.
  • Turn taking and negotiation are a part of block play when using one set of blocks and co-creating one structure.
  • Manual skills needed for writing are developed as children manipulate and build with the blocks.


  • For an easier time: Limit the number of blocks provided to each child.
  • For extended challenge: Incorporate small play figures such as little people and animals to encourage more elaborate storytelling.


  • Put all the blocks in one pile and place one large cookie sheet or shirt giftbox top in the middle where both children can easily reach. Have the children take turns one-by-one adding a piece to the structure.
  • Using the blocks, have children create different letters in the alphabet.
  • Using the blocks, create a shape and have child identify what shape it is. Take turns so the child has an opportunity to create a shape for you.
  • Create a simple structure and have the child recreate that structure with his blocks.